Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Importance Of Education

"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom".
Education is the process of learning & acquiring knowledge.
Education is a key that allows people to move up in the world , seek better jobs , & succeed in life . The more educated a person is the more prestige & power that person holds .

The first step to getting into a good college is getting a high GPA.
If you don't have at least a 3.0-4 for your GPA you won't get into a decent college .
For Example , Spelman College was dedicated to academic excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and the intellectual, creative, ethical and leadership development of our students.
Spelman is proud of its 80-plus percent graduation rate, one of the best in the nation .
Private colleges employed a higher share of educators than State colleges.
Private colleges had lots more to offer than any old state college . 
You had to pay to get into a private college.
The second step is you must have a high SAT score. SAT consists of three major parts reading , mathematics,& writing . Scoring high is essential to being admitted to prestige colleges & universities. SAT is an exam intended to measure your academic readiness for college .
  Harvard Critical Reading: 700 - 800 Mathematics: 710 - 790 Writing: 710 - 800.
Duke Critical Reading: 660 - 750 Mathematics: 690 - 780 Writing: 670 - 770.
AT score is the biggest factor determining your acceptance into elite universities and Ivy League schools.
SAT score is that it increases your chances of winning scholarships. 
SAT, you will attract the attention of colleges and universities, inspiring them to mail you their glossy brochures in hopes that they can fill their incoming class with students like you.

You must pick a highly ranked college & have an interesting mind that you want to study .
You want to have a high academic if you wan to get into a good college.
If you don't have that high GPA or SAT you'll be missing out on a lot of achievements highly,
Highly ranked colleges I would recommend you to is Harvard , Spelman , etc...
If you have a high SAT score your have a possible chance in getting into a school like Harvard.
For Example if your looking forward to going to college you'll have to have a high GPA and you have to have good SAT scores.

Navigating college and high school is difficult but with a little effort you can make the right moves.
The more educated you are the more pretige & power you hold.
"Education" allow you to seek better jobs and succeed in life.
"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom".
In order to achieve in life you have to succeed .
Set your goals in life so you won't have to depend on anybody.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diamond, overall this is a good essay. There are a few irrelevant parts in the second pargraph also the format is weird you switch back and forth between fonts and your lines and at different places throughout the essay. It doesn't look right. Good job sticking to the format though. 90%
