Wednesday, June 4, 2014

                                   Parents of bullies should have to pay a Fine

There was a young girl name Jada at the age of 14 who got bullied in grade school up until middle school .
This girl was against bullying 100% but she always got teased by her classmates .
One day the innocent girl was walking down the hall and her classmate called her a pig .
This girl never picked on nobody because she didn't have no friends she was always by herself .
She never really understood why she got bullied because she never picked on anyone.
As a result of all this bullying she had a low self of steam then received 
lower grades and she wasn't able to graduate .

The punishment were using now is not effective .
It's not enough to keep punishing these kids we need to their parents and let them suffer the consequences.
All parents will have to face the consequence of there kids actions also need to disciplined children  who bully each other.
Everybody should be treated with respect and shouldn't have to worry about somebody getting bullied .

Verbal Warning is not working anymore and shouldn't be accepted.
These kids are getting out of control , bullying should not be tolerated .
Ever parent that allows there child to bullied somebody should be arrested with a $500 fine .
This should be a lesson learned for parents and there kids as well .
We need to put a stop to all this bullying going on in our society.

Parents today can get to there child in a way that nobody else can , what I mean by that the parent could do harmful things that the school or police department can't .
Parents could take away there child's most pride possession .
In other words , parents can take away there kids games or etc .
Parents should give there kids the benefit of the doubt , because most kids bully each other because of an incident that happen previously so parents shouldn't always punish there kids .

In conclusion  , Parents should have to pay a fine for there kids bullying other kids .
This should not be accepted it should be against the law to bully each other .
A lot of kids have killed there self today because of be bullying so much .
I believe if the parents put a stop to there kids bullying they'll stop eventually .
Instead of just giving the parents a fine the kids will receive a fine as well .


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